{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue227;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;\cssrgb\c0\c0\c0;\cssrgb\c0\c0\c91373;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl280\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \ \ Stuff\ \ \uc0\u8232 \ \ \uc0\u8232 \

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\ \uc0\u8232 \ \ \
\ \cf3 \ \cf2 \ Nikolas Horatio Von Helsing
\ AKA: Nik, The Kaiser
\ Code name: Cross\

\ Vampire\

\ Sign: Cancer
\ Age: 79
\ Height: 6'4''
\ Sex: Male
\ Hair: Blonde
\ Eyes: Green\

\ Born: Bavaria 1913\

\ Nikolas is the last surviving member of the Eye, an order of paladins sworn to defend humanity from darkness. He is the grand nephew of Dutch Dr. Abraham Van Helsing, the vampire slayer responsible for the destruction of Dracula. A lineage which came with heavy responsibility for a young paladin. When the order eradicated by the Nazis in 1942, he condemned himself to live undead in order to maintain the order. Filled with a personal sense of self loathing, he abstains from the drinking of blood, to the point of becoming a vegetarian. This limits his powers considerably, although it allows him to move about in the sunlight with only mild sensitivity, and stand the presence of most holy relics. After WWII he was committed to an Austrian asylum for the criminally insane for the murder of five guilty SS Officers vindicated of war crimes. He was bailed out by Sir Everett Quinn to join the ISNI when it was founded in 1958. \

\ Cynical but sensitive, leading a hypocritical existence, and fighting the hideous urge to feed has driven him to become a habitual alcoholic. He still thinks of Alexandra as the little girl she was when he joined ISNI, and has a hard time taking her seriously. Similarly he looks on Joan as a sort of niece or younger sister and is very protective of her. The ISNI considers him a great asset but fundamentally unstable. \

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\ \uc0\u8232 \ \ \
\ \cf3 \ \cf2 \ Joan Kaine
\ AKA: J.K., Saint Joan
\ Code name: Saint

\ Telepath, Pyrokinetic \

\ Sign: Gemini
\ Age: 25
\ Height: 5'4''
\ Sex: Female
\ Hair: Red
\ Eyes: Blue \

\ Born: Northern Ireland 1967 \

\ Joan became aware of her abilities as a pyrokinetic at age seven, when she was inadvertently responsible for the house fire which claimed the lives of both her parents. Admitted to the Institution for special training, she soon excelled as a talented telepath as well. Able To read subtle emotions and communicate silently over the distance of a city block. She was recruited as a working agent in 1985 considered valued "talent" and especially adept for her age. Raised in by ISNI she looks to the older members of the institution almost as parent figures, seeing Nikolas as a sort of uncle/brother as well as a field partner. \

\ Optimistic, but pragmatic and professional when it comes to work she is the stabilizing force in the team, keeping Nikolas out of more serious trouble. The two have been working as an efficient effective team for five years.


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\ \uc0\u8232 \ \ \
\ \cf3 \ \cf2 \ Nigel Key Templeton

\ Sign: Aries
\ Age: 13
\ Height: 5'2''
\ Sex: Male
\ Hair: Brown
\ Eyes: Green \

\ Born: London 1979

\ \uc0\u8232 \ Nikolas' incorrigible 13 year old neighbor, Nigel is a carefree doomsayer wandering the streets of London, happily proclaiming the end of the world to any and all who will listen. Apparently without any parents, or other family he still seems perfectly happy, living with a number of other doomsayers and a cheep printing press in the discount flat across the way from "Mr. Helsing", whom he admires greatly. Although he is content with his work in London he has always wanted to see the world before it's aforementioned end. \

He has made it his business to inform Nikolas of the upcoming apocalypse at every opportunity. Often more than once a day and especially in the mornings.

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\ \uc0\u8232 \ \ \
\ \cf3 \ \cf2 \ Dame Alexandra Electra Quinn
\ AKA: Herself, Lexi \ Code name: Mother \

\ Leader of the ISNI

\ Sign: Scorpio
\ Age: 39
\ Height: 5'10''
\ Sex: Female
\ Hair: Blonde
\ Eyes: Blue \

\ Born: London 1953\

\ Daughter of Sir Everett Quinn, founder of the ISNI, Alexandra took over the organization upon her father's death in 1981. She maintains a cool stern exterior and unquestioned control of ISNI's many departments though her irrepressible and unwavering leadership. Married to her work and highly critical, when it comes to evaluating her personnel she can be harsh, but fair. Having known Nikolas since her early childhood she is in a good position to notice the deterioration of his reliability over the years, but she is still aware of his strategic importance as an agent. She looks with an especially disapproving eye on his drinking habit and expects Joan as his partner to keep him in line.\

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\ \uc0\u8232 \ \ \
\ \cf3 \ \cf2 \ Kit Lethe Van Der Sleesen
\ Code name: Apollo

\ Werewolf

\ Sign: Scorpio
\ Age: 22
\ Height: 5'5''
\ Sex: Male
\ Hair: Brown
\ Eyes: Yellow\

\ Born: London 1970\

\ Kit is the youngest member of the Van Der Sleesen family, a pack of domestic Swiss werewolves three generations in service to the ISNI. his grandfather Oedipus Van Der Sleesen joined the ISNI when it was first formed in 1958 and was partners with Nikolas for a number of years before Oedipus retired 1983. Kit has been an active member of the ISNI for five years, opting to forego university in favor of field work.

\ Kit is mature for his age, sharp and devoted to his work. The only member of the large Van Der Sleesen family acting as an active field agent, his father and mother both staff teachers and both elder brothers and sister working as security. Still he has a youthful tendency towards hotheadedness on occasion. He is on good terms with Nik, which is rare for a Van Der Sleesen, since Nik dislikes werewolves on principal, and is good friends Joan, whom he admires.\

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\ \uc0\u8232 \ \ \
\ \cf3 \ \cf2 \ Lawrence Gregory Keen

\ Sign: Cancer
\ Age: 36
\ Height: 6'
\ Sex: Male
\ Hair: Black
\ Eyes: Grey\

\ Born: London 1956

\ Lawrence Keen is a private scholar of antiquities in Cambridge. He runs a rather selective antiques shop with private collector Sir Jonathan White, former artifact dealer for the ISNI. He also assists with the maintenance and cataloging of the old knight's private collection of antiquities, which he has continued to acquire as a private hobby.

\ Stern but somehow charming, Lawrence Keen, although skeptical at first about the ISNI\'cds ability to help in the current situation, he is eager to help despite his opinions.

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\ \ \ \ Disclaimer & Special Thanks \cf3 \ \cf2
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\ \ \ Schwarz Kreuz is the original work and property of Rhiannon McCullough \'a92003/2008\ \uc0\u8232 \ \ \ \ \ \uc0\u8232 \ \ \ \ }